Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Metal Conductor Matrial

Steel is a metal made ​​of iron with carbon mixture. Based on a mixture of carbon, steel is categorized into three kinds, namely: steel with low carbon content (0-25%), steel with medium carbon content (0.25 to 0.55%), and steel with high carbon content (above 0 , 55%).

Although the conductivity of steel is low: 7.7 = m/Ω.m.m3, but are used in Conductor ACSR transmission ie, where the function of steel in this case is to reinforce the aluminum conductor mechanically after galvanized with zinc. The advantage of steel worn on the ACSR is to save the use of aluminum. Based on these considerations, then made ​​conductive bimetallic (bimetallic thermal differ on safety).

The advantage of using bimetallic Conductor, among others:
a. On the tendency of alternating current flows through the outer conductor
(skin effect)

b. By using a copper coated steel, the steel as reinforcement
Conductor protected from corrosion.
Use other than for bimetallic wire Conductor Conductor is to
busbar, circuit knife, etc.

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