Kamis, 07 April 2011

Micro Hydro Power Plant Cinta Mekar Village

Micro Hydro Power Plant System
Some people of Cinta Mekar Village, Subang, West Java are never influenced by the increase of Basic Electricity Tariff  this midyear. Sixty people of this village have enjoyed the benefit of micro hydro technology freely for 6 years.
Micro Hydro Power Plant Cinta Mekar was built in 2004 because of co-sharing between United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific (UN-ESCAO) by using fund for about US$ 75 thousand, PT Hidro Piranti and Yayasan IBEKA.

From the beginning, the people of Cinta Mekar Village directly take part in the building of Micro Hydro Power Plant. The people took part in proper test, planning, building, and the forming or organization to manage Micro Hydro Power Plant. The succeed of this Micro Hydro Power Plant was also supported by organization’s ability factor and local agency and also the utilization of electricity as the result of this Micro Hydro Power Plant.

Electricity produced by this Micro Hydro Power Plant is sold to PLN Rp 432,- per kWh. The income produced is about 25 million per month. After being decreased by depreciation, operational fee and maintenance, the net profit reaches 10 million rupiah.

The management of this income is done by Koperasi Cinta Mekar and utilized for people’s needs. The profit selling is used for education, scholarship, health, capitalization, village infrastructure, village management and cooperation’s regular fee. Electricity is given freely for incapable people as a form of CSR.

By using people-based system, Micro Hydro Power Plant Cinta Mekar has proven to be able both sustaining the existence and also improving the people’s autonomy. This Micro Hydro Power Plant people-based system is hoped to be applied by the government and other organizations who want to develop Micro Hydro Power Plant. Besides electricity utilization for productive activity, it can also improve people economic. (AK)

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