Jumat, 29 April 2011

Swedish Wind Turbine by E.ON

Logo e.on
On April 14 Vertical Wind‘s first 200 kW wind turbine went on line and started to deliver energy to the power grid. This is the first full-scale vertical axis wind turbine in Sweden. 

It is placed in Falkenberg, where it will soon be joined by three more turbines from Vertical Wind. The systems are ordered by E.ON and Falkenberg Energy and the park project is also supported by the Swedish Energy Authority.

We are currently going through the initial test program, and everything is working according to plan” says Vertical Wind’s CEO Björn Hellström.
Swedish Wind Turbine
Vertical Wind’s innovative concept with vertical-axis wind turbines where the generator is direct-driven and placed at ground level provides excellent cost efficiency, as the design involves few moving parts and lacks a gearbox. The 200kW system is designed for low noise emissions, low service need and with outstanding turbulent air handling properties. This makes it an ideal choice for local energy production and aerodynamically difficult but windy sites as ports, urban areas and commercial centers.

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