Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Save Energy with LED Light

LED Light
LEDs are widely used as indicator lights on electronic devices and increasingly in higher power applications such as flashlights and area lighting. An LED is usually a small area light source, often with optics added to the chip to shape its radiation pattern and assist in reflection. The color of the emitted light depends on the composition and condition of the semi-conducting material used, and can be infrared, visible, or ultraviolet.

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are becoming far more common for indoor lighting solutions due to their human and environmental safety, cost, and longevity. An LED is a solid-state semiconductor diode that emits light when an electrical current is applied in the forward direction of the device, as in the simple LED circuit. The effect is a form of electro-luminescence where incoherent and narrow-spectrum light is emitted.
LED Light Table
Summary on Savings: Energy bills, Heating Bills, Fixture Longevity, Maintenance and Replacement Labor. These savings may far outweigh the higher cost of solid state (LED) lighting products.

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