Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Power Triangle Formula

Power Triangle
In the Science Measure Angle: Cos φ = P / S and Sin φ = Q / S, so P, Q, S and Cos φ can be searched by using this formula (Remember note Multiplication ago). Or if you use Pythagoras theorem, then: S2 = P2 + Q2

We try to take an example: A house with installed capacity 4400 VA, using the inductive electrical equipment so that cosphinya to 0.6. How much real power of Installation house?. How much power is also blind? (the term is widely used blind power, if it's original name was "reactive power").

It's not too difficult to answer is: P = S. Cos φ = 4,400. 0.6 = 2640 Watts. (Well if this loss dong, we contract to PLN 4400 VA, 2640 VA only be used, fewer of these MCB / guides have fallen / allatto).
Power Triangle Formula
was in fact Power (P) increases and blind power (Q) decreases, whereas quasi Resources (S) fixed. Means we can use larger Watt, a new MCB "allatto" alias fall / trip.

For example cos φ changes from 0.6 to 0.9 from our example above, then:

P = 4,400. 0.9 = 3960 Watts or 3.96 kW. From the table, the angle is 25.84 o and if sought, sinphinya was 0.4. So Var = 4,400. 0.4 = 1760 Var.

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