Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Servo Motor

Motor Servo
Servo motor is a motor with a closed feedback system in which the position of the motor will be communicated back to the control circuit in the servo motors.

This motor consists of a motor, a set of gear, potentiometer and control circuit. Potentiometer serves to determine the limit rotation angle of the servo. While the angle of the servo motor axis is set based on pulse width signal is sent through the legs of the motor cable.

Servo motors normally move only reach a certain point only and is not continuous as DC motors and stepper motors. However, for some particular purpose, servo motors can be modified to move continuously. On the robot, the motor is often used for the legs, arms or other the part have limited movement and requires considerable torque.
Part the Servo Motor
Servo Motor is a DC motor with electronic control circuit and the internal gear to control the movement and angle angularnya. Mechanical Systems Servo Motor

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