Senin, 12 November 2012

Photo Electronic Effect

Photo Electronic Effect
The photoelectric effect is the release event electrons from the metal surface (called as electron images) when the metal is exposed with light.

Energy formula based on the theory quantum is E = NHF. Thus, the light emitted as small particles called photons. If the tube is a tube placed in the dark room, there would be no electric current (I) flow.

But when the light with frequency are directed to the plates / panels, there will be a flow of electricity. When examined further, the photoelectric effect is then there are two important properties of light waves light intensity and frequency. some properties important is happening on photoelectric effect.

To enable the flow of electricity (migration electrons) from the surface of the solar cell, it is necessary minimum working W0 (called the work function or energy threshold) to detach an electron from the surface solar cells. The amount depends on the type of metal W0 used as a solar cell material. to occur continuous electrical current then the frequency (f), which emitted by the light must be such so hf> W0,

Wo = Work function or threshold energy (Joule) Unit
W0 often written in eV, 1 eV = 1,602.10-19 J
h = Planck's constant (6,626.10-34 J.s)
m = period of the electron (9,11.10-31 kg)
v = electron velocity (m / s)
f0 = threshold frequency (Hertz)

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