Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Biomass Chiller System

Rising gas prices Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) made ​​us realize that fuel is mined from the bowels of the earth will gradually run out. Availability of LPG gas fuel will be dwindling and the price will further soar. It is time we switch to renewable energy sources. One of these renewable energy from palm oil mill effluents.

The energy of minerals such as petroleum and natural gas is expected to expire within a relatively short time. Like it or not Indonesia should immediately seek renewable energy sources (renewable energy) to meet energy needs in the future. One source of renewable energy that has not been much exploited is energy from biomass.

Directorate General of Electricity and Energy has calculated the potential energy from biomass is the amount reached 50,000 MW, but that has been used only for 302 MW. One of the very large amount of biomass and not been widely used is palm oil mill effluents (MCC), which amounted to thousands tons.

Palm oil mill effluents are very abundant. It is estimated that the amount of palm oil mill effluents (PKS) in Indonesia reached 28.7 million tonnes of liquid waste per year and 15.2 million tons of solid waste (TKKS) / year. Of waste can be generated approximately 90 million m3 of biogas. This amount is equivalent to 187.5 billion tonnes of LPG gas. The number of biogas is enough to meet the gas needs of a billion households (head of household) for one year.

Excellence is its methane gas primarily a renewable (renewable) and more environmentally friendly than gasoline and CNG. Methane gas from waste biomass can dihasikan abundant. Remodel of waste biomass into biogas in addition to energy supply can also reduce environmental pollution.

The potential and benefits of biogas energy from methane gas is currently a concern to many parties. The research team led by Dr. Siswanto of Plantation Indonesian Biotechnology Research Institute in cooperation with one of the MCC is developing the technology of biogas from liquid and solid waste palm oil. Large companies from Japan, Mitsubishi, make biogas from waste oil exploration on a large scale in Malaysia began in 2004.

COGEN work with ASEAN to do some project on biogas in some ASEAN countries to develop renewable energy from waste biomass. Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2005 from funding of $ 500,000 to the Indonesian government to develop biogas from waste MCC.

Biogas has been used widely in several countries. Germany developed a biogas-fueled cars, such as buses, taxis, garbage trucks, and other cars. In India has been operating some three-wheeled car, a kind of three-wheeler vehicle, which uses biogas fuel. Biogas is also used to generate electrical energy. In biogas plants to be used for boilers or electrical generating machine.

If the development of biogas from waste MCC is successful in Indonesia, it is not impossible that the current LPG price to soar biogas will be replaced by much cheaper price.

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