Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

System Turbine Geothermal

Turbine Geothermal
This unique system allows you to use your flare gas, waste heat, waste hot water, geothermal, geo-pressurized, hydrothermal, enhanced geothermal, turbine exhaust, or re-injected waste water to power a organic Rankine cycle (ORC) turbine generator.

The worlds most cost-effective untapped renewable energy source is waste heat. While primary energy production as well as industrial infrastructure is all around us, very little of the heat byproduct has been resourced as a secondary energy source.
System Turbine Geothermal
To capture, utilize, and profit from that waste heat is the challenge which has been overlooked until recently by Infinity Turbine LLC.

Geothermal and Waste Heat Organic Rankine Cycle:
The technology developed using a ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) can operate off any heat source, with a minimum of 125 deg F temperature differential between the heat source and cool liquid flow heat sink. Geothermal energy is only one potential application. Similar systems are already in operation off heat generated from landfill flares and gas turbine exhaust. Other applications may include using biomass as a fuel.

Designed by Greg Giese, the modular expander or Screw Turbine, is a quantum shift in turbine design. The entire unit is bolted together and can be disassembled in minutes. Based on the patented modular block concept, the turbine can produce anywhere from 10-30 kw net output. The unit produces a huge amount of torque and slower rotational speed based on a Screw Turbine, similar to Archimedes screw. The Screw Turbine is available with mechanical shaft seals or a completely hermetically sealed turbine with a magnetic drive coupling.

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