Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Tahu Make Biogas

Waste tahu
Creativity often arises when a person trapped. It is also experienced craftsmen in the village knew Kalisari Cilongok Banyumas.

Rising soybean prices last month or so this makes them have to be creative so that income is not reduced. Choice of utilizing solid waste out to be a cracker, provide fresh air for them. Meanwhile, out liquid waste used for biogas energy that can reduce production costs. How this is done, so that life as a craftsman who was panting, can be a little relieved. "During this know waste solids or soy pulp used for animal feed only. Now, we are trying to capitalize on the made crackers," said Sri Utami (45) one of the crafters know when contacted KR, Thursday (17 / 2). If during the pulp for animal feed only sold Rp 2.000/kg used for animal feed, but the results after the crackers can be made higher. Tapioca Flour training that they follow to make it honed creativity. According Utami to be a cracker, solid waste out of tapioca flour and add seasoning. If every 12 kg of soybeans are used as raw materials to know will generate solid waste weighing 15 kg.

Furthermore, solid waste is added to know as much as 15 kg of tapioca flour and seasonings to produce a cracker. From 30 kg of solid waste out of the flour mixture and tapioca starch, capable of producing 18 kg of crackers. "After becoming crackers perkilo price reach USD 15 thousand. Compared to sell pulp that costs only Rp 2,000 / kg, then sell the chips more profit. Extra income selling crackers as much as it can help the artisans, especially when the soybean price is now up and down. Price soybeans rose initially Rp 5.600/kg has now jumped to Rp 7,000 / kg, "said Utami. In the village there Cilongok Kalisari 1,200 families, who pursue the crafters know. From craftsmen know that much already established 312 small industry know who has been running for decades.
Biogas Tahu Working
For marketing crackers are made from raw sewage out into the outside of Java such as Kalimantan and Riau. Whereas in Java, marketing has entered into Jakarta and East Java and Central Java local. Biogas addition to solid waste out of materials used by residents for crackers, crafters also use liquid waste know as biogas. The energy generated back to cooking, including making out. With the utilization of waste then it is no longer knew the stinging smell of sewage. "With the crafters know biogas can save expenses for the purchase of LPG gas," said Purwanto (45) to know other crafters, who met separately. He revealed before the biogas they must wear size 3 kg LPG cylinder. They claim to be very wasteful, because every three days out. "If the price of one gas cylinder 3 kg Rp 17 thousand, then every month to cost Rp 170 thousand, just to buy gas." Purwanto said.

But with the biogas, it is now no longer buy LPG. Village Chief Kalisari Wibowo explain the existing biogas plant inaugurated in May 2010. Biogas installations with industrial liquid waste raw materials to know is capable of supplying gas for 21 families. The fire generated from biogas is not inferior to LPG and more secure. (Dri / Fsy)-c

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