Senin, 26 September 2011

Turgo Runner Turbine

Turgo Runner Object
The Turgo turbine is an impulse water turbine designed for medium head applications. Operational Turgo Turbines achieve efficiencies of about 87%. In factory and lab tests Turgo Turbines perform with efficiencies of up to 90%.

A turbine that is driven by high velocity jets of water or steam from a nozzle directed on to vanes or buckets attached to a wheel. The resulting impulse (as described by Newton's second law of motion) spins the turbine and removes kinetic energy from the fluid flow. Before reaching the turbine the fluid's pressure head is changed to velocity head by accelerating the fluid through a nozzle. This preparation of the fluid jet means that no pressure casement is needed around an impulse turbine.
Turgo Runner Stats
A cross-flow turbine is drum-shaped and uses an elongated, rectangular-section nozzle directed against curved vanes on a cylindrically shaped runner. It resembles a "squirrel cage" blower. The cross-flow turbine allows the water to flow through the blades twice. The first pass is when the water flows from the outside of the blades to the inside; the second pass is from the inside back out. A guide vane at the entrance to the turbine directs the flow to a limited portion of the runner. The cross-flow was developed to accommodate larger water flows and lower heads than the Pelton.

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